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LRNSC returns to roller skiing - what you need to know & do for your safety

From September 2020 the Club plans to restart some roller skiing activities at the Circuit.  In order to do this and keep everyone as safe as possible during the pandemic we have to follow specific rules and guidance issued not only by the government but also:

It’s all a lot more formal than we’re used to but we all, participants and organisers, need to comply to ensure our safety and enable us to continue to hire the Circuit.  The guidance is continually being updated so our own protocols will also be updated.

Autumn roller ski activities

We’ll phase activities in starting with:

  • General roller ski sessions for training and practice
  • Tuition: a programme of taster sessions, beginner’s and intermediate courses

Up to 30 skiers will be able use the Circuit at one time in groups of up to 6 socially distanced people [2m], either 6 skiers, or 1 instructor and 5 skiers. 

Given the restricted numbers, all events apart from taster sessions, will be for LRNSC members only.

No racing is currently allowed – we’re hoping that will change and have earmarked dates for races, with the format and conditions to be confirmed if the situation changes.

'Must read' points for all activities

Everyone will have to book online to attend any Club activity free or paid for.  As part of the booking system you will be asked to confirm your health status and that you have read specific guidance. No just turning up on the day.  This applies to people training individually, course participants and volunteers.  This will enable us to comply with the requirements to control numbers and have a record of circuit users in the event of someone testing positive for Covid-19.

You must monitor your own health and not attend a session if you think you have symptoms of Covid-19 – high temperature, new continuous cough, a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste – see the latest government information.

If you test positive for covid-19 you should immediately self-isolate and inform the Club [specify email/phone] so we and HCCUG can take steps to let other users and the local council know.

The new rules for participation

  • For morning sessions course participants should arrive promptly at 1000, and training/practice skiers by 1030, and for afternoon ones by 1430, and check in with the LRNSC volunteer on duty outside the clubhouse.
  • Parking – use the Minet Lodge car park. The entrance is past Goals, on the right at the bend.
  • Bring your own food and drink - there will be no refreshments or access  to water available.
  • Controlled access to the club house will be for the toilets and 1st aid purposes only.
  • Come ready to ski - there will be no changing rooms available.
  • Please bring gloves & your/your child's own cycle helmet & protective padding if you have them.  Equipment will only be availabe if pre-booked for a course.  Training/practice skiers should use all their own equipment.
  • Maintain social distancing [2m] at all times and within your tuition group or skiing group.
  • Maximum 6 skiers in a group [or 1 instructor & 5 skiers]
  • If you're bringing children - only one parent or carer per child/no other spectators, and please help your children to understand and follow these rules, as well as maintaining good hygiene standards.

More volunteers needed – register to help

We need more volunteers to help us put on and manage events safely especially with the Covid-19 rules and are creating a volunteer register.  The first step is for members to register, then we’ll create and share a document that will allow you to indicate your availability.  If you can spare some time to help the Club please register now.

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