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Roller ski race results - 3 November

Many thanks to all the racers who participated in last Sunday's roller ski races - it's taking a while to manage all the data but all the results are now available on this website for The Barnaby Norman Memorial Race and our 10.5/4.5 FT matched ski race.

Congratulations go to:
The Barnaby Norman Memorial Race
Joseph Rosenfeld [Hyde Park] and Noah Barnes {LRNSC] who won the 12-19 yr old and under 12 categories.
10.5 FT race
Jordan Andrews [Hyde Park] and Rebecca Anderson [RAF] - senior over 18 male and female winners,
plus a special mention for LRNSC's Syzmon Orlowski who came 2nd in the race overall and Sam Bojarski who came 4th overall & won the Youth 14-17 category.
4.5 FT race
Colm Urquhart and Petra Saxby [Hyde Park] - male and female winners. A special mention goes to LRNSC's Noah Barnes who came 3rd overall and 1st in the Junior Youth category which was impressive given his success the earlier Barnaby Norman race.
Results for the London Region Challenge Cup will be posted soon.

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