Space on our Obertilliach trip
There's an unexpected vacancy on our Obertilliach/Dolomitenlauf trip 12-20 January 2014 - please contact the organiser Paddy Field if you're interested.
Join our community of cross country skiing enthusiasts based in and around the Capital and in the Cambridge area. Find out about the benefits of joining LRNSC and more about this Club.
Join and learn to roller ski - it's great for fitness and fun, plus it's the best way to prepare for cross country skiing. There are sessions for children as well as tasters, courses, coaching and general training/practice sessions for adults. We also organise roller ski races. And you can cross country ski with us. Plus you can discover cross country ski racing.
Scroll down to read our latest news.
There's an unexpected vacancy on our Obertilliach/Dolomitenlauf trip 12-20 January 2014 - please contact the organiser Paddy Field if you're interested.
The results are posted. Congratulations to Cesar Baena from Venezuala and Irene Chowko from LRNSC, senior winners, plus in the under 18 category, Jordan Andrews, and in the under 16's, Andrew Bessarab and Charlie Harrigan.
Read more about Cesar Baena including his world record breaking roller skiing.
Come along next Sunday 22nd September to hear Roy Young, Head Coach of the British Nordic Ski Team give an insight
Training company, Skifit [also agents for Skigo roller skis] invites LRNSC members to the launch of their Vasaloppet package at the Swedish Embassy on 18 September - see the invitation. The company also offers members 15% off Skigo equipment.
Do you want to help our talented young team prepare for success at the next Winter Olympics in Sochi 2014? Please donate to their appeal to enable them to train at altitude and compete in qualifying competitions. You can read more about British Nordic Ski Team on their website.
There'a a new discount for members from who are offering a free pair of super comforatable Craft cool roller ski/cross country ski socks worth £9.50 with every equipment order while stocks last. Members need to contact us to get the discount code.
It's always good to hear what cross country skiers get up to when they're not on snow or rollers, particularly when it's a 'first' like kayaking from Scotland to Norway!
Check out the photos from the one hour roller ski race and team sprints in the 2013 gallery.
The race results have been posted on the website - congratulations to all the winners and well done everyone who took part in the hottest race for some years! Photos to come.
You can see the provisional results here - well done to the winners and everyone who took on the challenge in the amazing sunshine.
Thanks for supporting the event. Next weekend the 1 hour roller ski race, part of the GB series, takes place, so enter now online.