Szymon Orlowski & Grzegorz Motyka pictured with Marc Walker of done to all the LRNSC members who took part in the Wessex Festival last weekend - there were some impressive results. Szymon Orlowski and Grzegorz Motyka came second the Laser Biathlon Sprint Relay Knockout, Szymon also came second in the 12km Individual race, and Beth Ireland came third in the 6km Women's race.
Well done to Grezegorz Stasik and Megan Campbell who also represented the Club, and thanks to Wessex Biathlon & Nordic Ski Club for organising.
See more pictures here [photos by Beata Nowok]
Szymon and both Grzegorzs belong to the Club's strong group of Polish racers, some of whom finally met through LRNSC although they probably competed against each other many times in their home country. They learned to ski almost as soon as they could walk and trained either in Nordic Combined or Biathlon. They’re planning to compete more next year and to quote, 'a good female biathlete' is hoping to join them – they’re usually modest about their achievements so this must mean top class!