Roller ski race results - race no 1 9/5
Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 23:10
lrnsc mary in Roller ski races, rollerski racing

Congratulations to Andy Honczar who won LRNSC's first roller ski race of the season at the testing Hog Hill cycle circuit last Sunday - see all the results.   The shorter race on the lower loop was won by Mary Wray. 

Both races were run in free technique on slower training skis, typically Marwe 610s, and sharp pole tips were helpful on the smooth tarmac of this new venue. 

The Club also offered rollerski training in the morning - participants agreed that the venue offered excellent hill training opportunities. 

The next races are 30/42km distance challenges on 6 June at Hillingdon Cycle Circuit - enter online now.  A course will again preceed the race - book your place online.

Article originally appeared on Cross country skiing & roller skiing in & around London, & the Cambridge area (
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