Early season on-snow week Beitostolen, Norway
Sunday 10 - Sunday 17 December 2023
See photos from the trip on Flickr
Trip status at 21/8
Trip confirmed, places available.
About this trip
Join us for an early-season on-snow Club trip to Beitostolen, Norway which is aimed at anyone who is able to ski independently: improver, intermediate or advanced, and whether you want to improve your ski technique, prepare for races later in the season, or just to ski with others.
There are places for up to eight participants wanting coaching on the trip, but the trip is open to more people if they plan to ski without coaching. The trip is available to anyone from an affiliated cross-country ski club. You can join LRNSC here.
Snow should be fairly certain; the season starts in November with FIS sprint races scheduled for 17-19/11, and there is usually half a metre of snow cover in December. In addition to cross-country skiing, Beitostolen offers downhill skiing and other winter activities.
What’s on offer?
The trip will be led by Snowsport England Level 3 coach Adam Pinney, and its main aim is to give you the chance to practice your skiing skills.
Coaching will be available on an ad-hoc basis, but most time will be spent on the tracks, practising skills such as down-hilling, hill climbing and cornering. Each session (two per day) will have a theme, but this will not be a ‘coached course’ in the normal sense; if there’s something you want to work on, we will work on it! Cost will be £10 per session led by Adam.
Travel & accommodation
Apartment City, BeitostolenSuggested flights are BA dep 1110 from Heathrow to Oslo and returning with SAS at 1700 - these are convenient for direct buses to/from the airport to Beitostolen which take approximately 3.5 hours.
Alternatively you can use your own choice of flights from Heathrow or Gatwick. The bus transfer to Beitostolen is either direct or with one change.
You are responsible for organising your own travel to Beitostolen once you're confirmed on the trip.
You are free to find your own accommodation, but an initial booking for a shared, self-catering apartment at Apartment City in Beitostolen has been made. You do not have to be there from Sunday to Sunday but, for those sharing, costs will be shared out equitably between participants, to prevent people paying the full daily rate on days when the apartment isn’t full.
This trip should not be confused with the Club's other Beitostolen week in January, there’s more details about travel and accommodation on the web page for that trip.
If you're interested in sharing an apartment please indicate this on the registration form.
What to do next?
Please register your interest via this form.
There is no deadline to sign up for this week but it would help the organiser if you did so as soon as possible [and certainly by 30 September]. The trip is confirmed as a sufficient number of people have already signed up. Sharing a a self-catering apartment/cabin is the cheapest option and an initial booking has been made, at Apartment City in Beitostolen. Further shared accommodation can be booked later if necessary, or you can make your own arrangements.
Booking for daily coaching will close when eight people register for this but there’s no limit on participation if you don't want coaching or only want it on an ad hoc basis.
You should organise your own travel to Beitostolen once your participation is confirmed.
Any questions?
Please contact Adam the organiser.