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Club cross country ski trip to Pontresina, Switzerland

Sat 25th January to Sat 1st February 2025


About this cross country ski trip

Based in Pontresina, this trip repeats the successful club trip in 2024 and aims to explore the varied tracks in the Engadin Valley, one of the best areas for cross country skiing in Switzerland: 

  • the area is one of the most snow sure in Europe - the valley is at 1700m with tracks up to 2000m;
  • there are restaurants and cafes at key points on the tracks;
  • this is a recreational trip without coaching, although there is a local ski school if needed;
  • temperatures are typically -5C to -10C during the day, with sunrise at approx 0800 and sunset 1700.

You book your own flights and transfer, coordinate with the organiser re accommodation and meet up daily with other members to explore the area. For a better idea of the nature of the area, see the photo album from our 2024 trip.

Who the trip is for

It’s open to all LRNSC members, and those wishing to join the club. You must have a reasonable level of fitness and be a competent skier, with the ability to make a controlled descent downhill.

There are large areas of mostly flat terrain reachable without difficulty from Pontresina, together with valley runs involving only gradual height gain, so skiing can be tailored to suit.  If the number attending is as expected, there should be scope for slower and faster groups, each choosing tours well within their capabilities but any novices should be capable of skiing safely without formal supervision.

We’ll decide on groups daily according to conditions and preferences. The organiser knows the track system and town well having visited several times and can advise.

About Pontresina/the Engadin valley

There are around 220 km of cross-country skiing trails, most runs are linear not circular. These are the main trails - see this map for more detail:

  • Main Engadin valley floor (SW) – St Moritz Bad to Sils Maria & Maloja = mostly flat, including 3 frozen lakes which offer a special skiing experience when conditions permit. There is also a challenging black run up Val Fex from Sils.
  • Main Engadin valley floor (NE) – Pontresina to Celerina, Samedan Golf, then the Marathon loipe past Samedan airport to Zuoz, SChanf, Zernez = mostly flat, excellent for clocking up distance.
  • Staz Forest (restaurant by lake) – tracks from Pontresina/Celerina go up, across and down to St Moritz Bad, then up into the forest again and down to Lake Champfer / Surlej = quite hilly but great fun. Optional extension to the other two frozen lakes. Optional black run up to Alp Staz.
  • Val Roseg – valley run to restaurant with extension towards glacier = gradual height gain. Narrow/twisty in parts but no real difficulties.
  • Val Morteratsch – easy valley run up to restaurant, then on to the edge of a glacier with impressive views of Piz Bernina (4000m). Has markers showing glacial retreat = gradual height gain.
  • Val Bever – just beyond Bever, easy valley run. = slight height gain. Restaurant at top of valley.

See more information about the Engadin and Pontresina.

Local bus (free to hotel residents) lines 1&2 stop on the main street. Members have found these very useful for skiing one way to outlying parts of the trail system combined with taking the bus back.

Ski hire – 4 options : Bernina Sport and the Cross Country Centre, both close to the railway station, plus two ski shops on the main street Via Maistra, close to the hotels – Fahndrich Sport & Gruber Sport.

There is plenty of scope for non-cross country skiing partners: downhill skiing in the nearby St Moritz ski area, plus an extensive network of winter hiking trails – also exploring the wider area by bus, or by train.


Fly to Zurich and transfer by train to Pontresina.
Best flights to Zurich:  07.35 BA arriving 10.20 or 08.50 SWISS arriving 11.45
There 6 other possible flights from Heathrow, as well as direct flights from LCY/LGW.

Transfer to Pontresina - if you arrive by 13.15 it’s possible to get a train no later than 14.15 and arrive in time for dinner.

Trains 15 mins past the hour from Zurich airport (train station directly below the terminal, 5 mins from baggage reclaim). Trains go via Zurich HB, then via Chur or Landquart on to Samedan, where there are train/bus/taxi options for the final 4 km to Pontresina. Total journey time approx. 3 hours 45 mins. Get tickets at, or via the App, or at the station. The trains are reliable and the journey is very scenic.

For the return journey, leaving Pontresina on the 09.02 train means airport arrival at 12.44, allowing plenty of choices of flights from 15.00 onwards. Return trains are hourly.

Alternative – direct flight (BA/EJ) to Innsbruck, hire a car for the 2 ¾ hours drive to Pontresina. Public transport from Innsbruck is complex, involving 3 buses and 2 trains, taking well over 4 hours.


Hotel options [April 24 exchange rate 1.13 CHF:£]

There are many options on the official website, or other booking websites, or direct. Pontresina is a small resort and popular with downhill skiers as a more affordable alternative to St Moritz, so it does get booked up by the summer - hence we have taken the precaution of reserving the following rooms:

Primary hotel:  Hotel Engadinerhof (No. 19 on the town map)

  • 8 single ensuite rooms at 135 CHF/pp night incl Half Board
  • 2 deluxe single ensuite rooms at 155 CHF/pp night incl Half Board
  • 3 double ensuite rooms at 125 CHF/pp night incl Half Board

Additional rooms are currently available on request including some twin rooms for sharers. The hotel requires a deposit of 75% to be paid 21 days before arrival, but cancellation is free prior to that.  

In 2024 we found it very convenient to be mostly in the same hotel, to facilitate socialising and planning, but if the above doesn’t suit, or is full, suggested alternatives nearby include :

Alternative hotel : Hotel Bernina (No.12 on map)
Single ensuite rooms at 135 CHF/pp night B&B. Half Board 38-45 CHF extra. Doubles from 110 CHF/pp. Another large hotel with plenty of single rooms. Used in 2024 - best to contact the hotel directly.          

Other hotels : Hotel Steinbock, Hotel Chesa Mulin, Hotel Station. Again direct contact best.

Apartment option: Choice of apartments for 1 person and upwards. Approx cost 700-1400 CHF per week for 1-2 bedrooms. Most rent Sat to Sat. This is the most economical option for anyone sharing, with significant savings possible if also self-catering. Bear in mind there is only one real supermarket, on Via Da Mulin (F13 on map) but buses run down the main street, so renting at the other end of town is viable, if inconvenient for meeting socially. Those with a car are advised to use the superstores in Samedan.

If we are spread across a number of accommodations we will still meet up before/after dinner at a central location and socialise/plan the next day’s activities. The organiser is happy to advise on accommodation if needed. For hotels free cancellation is usually available until 2-4 weeks before the stay, but deposits (typically 25%) are required for apartments.

Wherever you stay you will be close to the many track access points. There are two practice areas which we use for meeting up and reachable from any in 5-10 mins – these areas are at G10 & H10 on the map.

Other Expenses to budget for

30 CHF for a weekly trail pass, online or at the Cross Country Centre. Ski hire if needed.  

Travel Rules, including Covid-19

The trip will be run in accordance with English and Swiss regulations and guidance in force at the time. Note especially the passport validity requirements. General Swiss info also at : SwissTravelCtr

Medical/travel insurance

Everyone on the trip is recommended to have their own travel insurance policy. For medical treatment you are recommended to take either your EHIC card (these remain valid unless expired), or the new GHIC (Global Health Insurance Card) issued by

What to do next

This trip is now confirmed.  As good, reasonably priced accommodation gets booked quickly in Pontresina, any members interested in joining us should contact the organiser or register your interest via this form as soon as possible. Flights are not an issue, given the large number of options into Zurich and train capacity is ample.

NB If you are interested in the Hotel Engadinerhof, please check with the organiser before making any bookings.

Any questions?

Please contact the organiser Greg Clack.

Link to picture album from the 2024 trip